*****attimi*****                                           -29-


mi e’ rimasto solo un attimo

per guardarti.

mi e’ rimasto solo un attimo

per parlarti.

vorrei che tu mi ascoltassi,

e per un attimo

rivivere quei ricordi.

vorrei che tu mi guardassi,

e per un attimo

rivivere nello sguardo

quel ricordo,


e’ rimasto solo un attimo.




***** moments ***** -29- me and only remained a moment in order to watch to you. me and only remained a moment in order to speak to you. I would want that you you listened to me, and for a moment to live again those memories. I would want that you you watched to me, and for a moment to live again in the look that memory, perche, and only remained a moment.
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